What initially began as an online site for people to watch video clips of outrageous skits, comical commentaries or segments from TV shows has become the worlds largest talent show. Thanks to the creators of YouTube, talent agents may be out of jobs faster than it takes Britney to check back into rehab.
According to the companies website, YouTube was founded as a consumer media company for people to watch and share original videos worldwide through a web experience. What originally started as a personal video sharing service has grown into a media enterprise with people watching more than 70 million videos each day. From personal video diaries to wacky home made movies YouTube has something for everyone, including hope for the millions of Hollywood wannabes waiting to be discovered.
However, when Corrine Goldsmith posted videos of her 5-year-old daughter Nia singing classic R&B tunes, fame was the last thing on her mind. In an interview with the Today Show`s Meredith Vieria this morning , Goldsmith said that she had originally posted the videos of her pint size diva on YouTube so that out of state relatives could actually watch Nia in action. Apparently Goldsmith had tried to send the video clips via e-mail but because of the large size of the files, actually ended up clogging up relatives email accounts, at which point Goldsmith turned to YouTube.
Within the past 7 months, Nia`s video clips have been viewed over 2 million times by people all over the world. From Poland to Mexico, Nia Frazier has become the talk of both the YouTube and entertainment world as the 5-year-old landed a staring role in the Mary J Blige commercial promoting the Grammy winning artist`s new album "Reflections".
So for all of the starving artists out there, waiting on tables between auditions, perhaps YouTube could be the place where you get your big break. Even though posting a homemade video clip on the Internet may seem somewhat pathetic to the true artists and musicians out there, Nia Frazier is living proof that sometimes fame is all about being at the right place at the right time, and these days YouTube seems to be the right place.
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